It was quite a day today. It's already past 7 pm right now and I've locked up myself in my bedroom to breathe some solitude air before our Halloween Party starts. My brother came over last night and I made him stay overnight. I made a potato salad in the morning to give him some to take home and after it was all ready he told me he never eats potato salad! We had a good brunch at Pekara and against all my expectations I was the one who had "La Parisienne" crepe not my little Francophile monster. Man! I feel our relationship is getting better and better day by day and now we're even enjoying the time we spend hanging out with each other. It's interesting...
After the brunch I could make it to one session of the tango workshop and boy, the instructor was great! I can't believe she was dancing with such an ease in those tango shoes with that baby belly she got. She was just amazing. I didn't see her actually dancing, with a partner I mean, and I have no idea how could one dance close embrace tango while being pregnant. I gotta watch her dancing probably tomorrow night if I can make it to the milonga. Man! I really love tango even though I'm not good at it at all; well, at least not yet. Too much confidence, I know! :D Just watch how beautiful and graceful today's workshop instructors dance.
I was done with the workshop ~ 2:45 pm, so I ran to the town's children museum for the annual genome day. So thanks to M, I learned about the event and that I could volunteer to teach kids about cells, ... We had to walk them through making a collage of one type of cell with all it's major organelles. We had three different patterns, for three different types of cells, for them to chose from: muscle cells, macrophages and nerve cells. Here's the confession: I learned about what macrophages are just today! I also had no idea what the functions and rules of golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome and phagosomes were prior to today. There was this kid who knew really too much about the cell. I was really shocked. At some point she said that the mitochondria (mitochondrion) had been basically a bacterium and it has evolved over time! Can you believe that?! I still can't! I don't think she was older than 9. There were a considerable number of shy kids, a few hyperactive ones and some that at least seemed to not give a shit. It was cool, I really liked the experience. Teaching is really fulfilling and depleting at the same time for me. I guess when I teach I put too much of myself into it that I wanna die afterwards even though I feel really really good while longing to die!
I guess a part of my fatigue and headache and not being in the mood is due to the fact that today is the second fucking day of my period. The party is supposed to start in less than half an hour and I haven't dressed up yet and I'm not sure if I even want to. The thing is that I hate being a party spoiler. "Rosie the riveter"?! Boy! I really don't wanna do it. The problem is I know, actually with every fibre of my being, that even with all this reluctance I got, if I dress up and join the people in the party I'll have so much fun. That's the thing. Without even thinking about it I kinda find a way to enjoy myself in almost any situation but I always have an enormous inertia before doing, hmmm..., almost anything?! All I want right now is to sleep. Good night!
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