Saturday, August 31, 2013

Frog in boiling water syndrome?!

I really don't care what a boiling frog actually does. I found about this "frog in boiling water" syndrome yesterday and I am kind of excited about it and want to share it with everyone. Though I guess it is a more or less well-known anecdote and the fact that it is very new to me doesn't make it new and exciting to other people. 

Anyways the story is drop a frog in a pot of boiling water and it jumps out immediately. Now let a frog be in a pot full of room temperature water and heat the pot gradually and the frog stays there till it is boiled to death. The poor little thing probably finds its death bath even very cozy and pleasant, at least for a while!

Don't keep telling me "This is life! Get used to it!". It is not! I want to jump out! I got to jump out! I will jump out! I just need some courage and some time to gather that courage but there comes the day! I am positive!